Saturday, February 21, 2009

****NAI NEWS******

#$#@#^OMG....DID YOU HEAR??**^%$##@

HelloOOOO is yours truely coming at you with another edition of NNNAAAIIII NNNEEWWSSS!!!!! In case you haven't heard I'm apart of THE greatest organization here on MSU...PURPOSE ORG. (plug)<--was that really a plug cause I haven't learned how to use that
word yet??? An T ways...This is the portion of the blog where I get to say WATEVA I want and speak on what I feel needs to be addressed. Now lately I've been getting my grown woman on cause if ya didn't know I GOT MY OWWWWNNNN<--(Jamie and Neyo singing) in 2009 Ok???
But I've been getting upset at all of these crazy reality shows that have no purpose in my life...


Ok so I don't know if ya knew cause I sure as hell didn't. But
for some God for saken reason somebody who has obviously been poppin a few too many pills, took it upon
themselves to give this idiot we DON'T know and will never love a show. Unfortunately MSU I'm talking about RAY J. How in the world did they find enough women to compete for the love of this loser. All you need is a pole and a bottle of hennesy to get this man's attention. So of course I haven't seen every episode but as I was flippin through the channels one day I spotted Ray J. no talent behind getting ready to eliminate one of the girls. Can you believe that somebody is actually getting eliminated from his life. I guess after gettin the boot from so many women in his life he picked up a few boot kicking techniques (ooooooooo00). So the question I'm asking is why when he's about to eliminate somebody he gotta whisper like this show really ain't suppose to be happening and they just tryna get the shot so they can put it up on youtube. I mean like Ray J. you not sexy so get this whisper sexy talk ouuuttttaaa here. I think I'll start
watchin the show just to chear me up and make me
thankful that I'm n
ot so desperate that i'd wanna look for love with Ray J because


If anybody knows me they know that I absolutely love love love making the band...2nd
to Rihanna of course.....and I just
can't get enough of Diddy mean butt. First off who told Dawn to wear that ridiculously
FUGLY hat around n.y......scratch that......who told Dawn to wear that even FUGLIER weave and not run a comb, a brush, or a prayer through that mug. Don't get me wrong
Dawn is my boo but sometimes I just don't understand why Diddy don't let a stylist touch her up before her face hits the cameras. But anywho I can already tell this season is gonna be great because for some reason
Que seems angry at the world and I like it.
I don't know what it is about him or who he reminds me of but ladies why are we just so in love with him when he's really not that cute???? I'm terribly sad to see that Aubrey hasn't returned yet...i guess it's because she's too busy gettin her BUCKED NAKED on for Playboy but I mean whatev if Diddy wasn't gonna pay her she had to get it some way but hey Aubrey "make that money, don't let it make you"<---perfect time for a Playa's Club plug...yess!!!!


Now this show makes me mad and laugh all at the same time. Numero 1...why is
everybody finding these 90's celebs and bringing them into the millenium<---(does this thing have spell check???) and slapping
em on VH1 and givin them a show.
Numero 2...I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SHOW!!!! Drag diva Ru Paul is back with his new show DRAG RACE. It's now exactly about driving a nascar. I can't tell you what these QUEENS are competin for but babe when you see the transformation from man to ?? it is just amazing. I mean
home girls are struttin and doin it better than me SSSIIIIKKKKEEE....
ain't nobody, NOBODY, doin it betta than ya gurl ok? But anywho the show is freakin fab and ima keep watchin cause I gotta see what's gon come from this........




definition: can only be spelled in all caps; freakin ugly dude;ridiculous;

in a sentence: Did you see her toes barkin out the front and the back of them sandles... her feet are FUGLY!!!! learn it, use it, love it

Serious moment here...This awful pic of my sister has been floating around and I just wanna set the record straight. IT'S A FAKE!!! Come on people do you really think that Chris scrawny behind could beat ANYBODY up like this???? My sis is officially 21 as of Feb. 20th, so let's get over this and celebrate. I just wanna say....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA!!!!!

Well I'm off for now....hope you enjoyed the second column, segment, issue (whatev) of the Nai News. Let me know if I'm doin a good job!

Next week I will also begin featuring more about what's going on on campus and not just all celeb gossip!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Nai, You are absolutely right !! Who keeps giving these lame personalities reality shows. Ray J, Coolio, and so many others. I am sorry, but I must disagree with you about Drag diva Ru Paul, that's just sick t.v. Oh yeah, I'm using that word FUGLY already at work. Alot of people fit the term. Keep up the good work.
